Friday, June 16, 2017

Get Real: Sharing Your Everyday Faith Every Day - A Short Review

This was a beautiful, simple book about real evangelism. The basic premise is that too much of traditional evangelism technique misses its mark. There are a bunch of reasons for this: it is too interested in speaking and not enough in listening, it is too one-size-fits-all in a world where one size rarely fits all, it is often awkward instead of feeling natural both to the Christian witness and to the non-Christian prospect. I could go on, but you might get the picture. I’ve learned a half-dozen different canned forms of sharing the Gospel, some simple, some complex. However, what this book says I have found true – those canned methods miss the mark in far too many situations.

I think another thing this book gets right is how much of what we consider evangelism is really weird. That is, it makes us and those we are trying to share with feel really uncomfortable. I guess you might argue that is natural in a sinful world or that we should go ahead doing traditional evangelism even though it feels strange because it is a sacrifice for God. However, Leonard is arguing that weird evangelism just plain doesn’t work, so something better ought to be aimed for.

So, he proposes sharing about Jesus only after hearing where a person is in life. Everyone is different, yet the Gospel is able to reach everyone where he/she is at in that moment. We just have to listen, first, in order to be able to see how God wants us to approach that person. He proposes simple things to put the other person at ease, like praying in the moment with them but only with eyes open. This both allows you to avoid awkwardness in the social setting you find yourself and to connect by actually looking into someone’s eyes as you pray for them. He suggests drawing the lost in by encouraging their curiosity rather than trying to answer every conceivable question before they even share an interest. This is done through good questions and by directing people to the Bible themselves rather than reading it to them. This helps them come to their own conclusions and puts away any idea that you are manipulating them.

These are just representative of the very good evangelism advice/training available in this book. Please check it out.

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