Monday, March 23, 2020

Daily Insights from the Bible - Exodus 35

As I was reading my Bible this morning, I was directed (by the reading plan) to Exodus 35. Moses calls for a free-will offering from the people of all of the materials needed to create the Tabernacle and its implements for worship. Then, in verses 30-35, Moses lets it be know that God had already called out two skilled artisans to direct this work - Bezalel and Oholiab. Bezalel seems to have been the primary leader, which Oholiab his second-in-command, although we don't really need to worry about power structures here - they were a team.

What I was drawn to here was a little different from my earlier post on the "skillful" people all around us, although Bezalel and Oholiab were definitely skillful, with skills gifted to them by God for God's work. What I was drawn to share with you today comes from verse 34: And he has inspired him to teach, both him and Oholiab...

So often, we who find ourselves in positions of authority or leadership, whether we're talking about parents or CEOs, we focus so much on our own performance of the tasks that we sometimes forget this vital leadership responsibility - teaching others to come after us. I'm sure this is a need in every arena of life, but, being a pastor myself, I see an incredible need for this in the church. How can you teach someone this week?

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