Thursday, March 26, 2020

Daily Insights from the Bible - Proverbs 14:11

In my reading this morning, this one verse from Proverbs stood out to me. It's Proverbs 14:11:

The house of the wicked will be destroyed,
    but the tent of the upright will flourish.

This verse has several things we need to learn today.

First, see the comparison between the present condition of the wicked and the upright. The wicked are presently dwelling in houses, while the upright are presently dwelling in tents. This speaks to their relative place in this present world. The wicked seem to get ahead in this world, and that is because this present world is currently bent toward wicked things. God will soon return and will set this right by destroying the present world and placing all of His people in a new heaven and new earth joined together forever. But, for now, this world is the sort of place where wicked people get ahead, or seem to. Likewise, the upright seems currently to be falling behind, to be losing the games of this world. Those games, like measuring who has the most money or who has the most influence or popularity, are games the upright will always seem to lose for the simple reason that the upright have discovered those games aren't worth playing, much less winning.

But there is more to this house versus tent imagery. The wicked have invested in this world, this present life, in such a way that they are betting that there is nothing else afterward. They need their house now because, to them, there is no future reward. But the upright can be content with a tent today because they are trusting in Christ's promise of a place in the Father's house forevermore after this life. The upright don't need a reward now because they know their reward is waiting for them.

Finally, see the outcome of these decisions in the lives of the wicked and upright. The wicked have invested in the present life, but their house will be destroyed. This doesn't have to be a direct judgment of God, although that is certainly waiting for all who reject the Son. So long as the Lord tarries in His coming, everyone will come to the end of their life, whether rich or poor, strong or weak. In this way, all who invest in this life will lose, in the end.

The upright will have a very different experience. Their lives will flourish, even though they still dwell in tents. This is something the world never understands. They think you can only enjoy life if you have the "good things" this life offers. They marvel at the upright who are able to enjoy life so much more than the wicked even though they go without the "good things" of this life. They know nothing of the deep and abiding joys of the upright life. There are pleasures forevermore in the hand of the Lord, and they are not all waiting in heaven!

Like so many things, this comes down to a decision on your part and mine. Will we repent and believe in Christ and be counted among the upright or will be continue among the wicked?

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