Saturday, March 21, 2020

Daily Insights from the Bible - Proverbs 9

If you'll take a moment to read Proverbs chapter 9, there is something I'd like to point out. Notice that both Wisdom and Folly cry out the same invitation: “Whoever is simple, let him turn in here!” In the rest of the chapter, we see that Wisdom actually has something to offer, whereas Folly only sets one on the road to death.

What I think is important about this is that it shows our responsibility in this life. From one perspective, when we discuss salvation, we must agree it is all a work of God, and we do nothing to save ourselves. But from a different perspective, we are held accountable for whether we listen to Wisdom or Folly. We are the "simple" who they are calling to, all day long. And it matters, in the extreme, who we listen to.

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